My Quiet Life

Not much going on here. Sunday I finally got to hear the new worship leader at church. He’s awesome! After having the music be so all over the place, it’s nice to have a permanent guy in the job (and who is super talented).

The weather has cooled off, I know I’ll be missing it next week when we’re sweating in Vegas. Speaking of Vegas, I’ve been practicing my Blackjack. Just trying to remember basic strategy.

The last week I’ve had to deal with some stress, but now it’s someone else’s problem, which makes me happy. It’s just unbelievably frustrating when you have to check up that people are doing what you ask of them, and they aren’t. But like I said, it’s someone else’s problem now, so I can let go of that stress.

I’m getting better at remembering to put the phone back on the charger, since I had two days in a row (a few weeks ago) where I got cut off from talking to my friends. I learned if I’m going to to have hour (or two hour) long conversations with my buds in Canada, I better make sure I’m working with a full battery. God bless the cheapness of Vonage. 🙂

I saw the video for Franz Ferdinand’s Do You Want To, and I’ve got to get that song! It is so darn catchy. The video, on the other hand, could have been an episode of Kids In The Hall. Just my opinion.

My travel bug has been satiated, with my upcoming trips, and the visitors coming this fall. But I should stop watching the Travel channel, because Samantha Brown but the desire in my heart to go to Germany. It’ll have to wait until the kids are older, to where they can go with us, or go to stay with family.

In honor of Bruno Kirby’s death, I’ll close with a quote from City Slickers.

Mitch Robbins: It’s nothing to be ashamed of – I had the same problem.
Phil Berquist: Didn’t you feel stupid; I mean, didn’t you feel… inadequate?
Mitch Robbins: Yeah, for a while, but then I overcame it. Can I explain it to you again? I mean now promise me you won’t get upset.
Phil Berquist: O.K.; it’s not gonna to do any good.
Mitch Robbins: O.K., if you want to watch one show but record another show at the same time, the television set does not have to be on channel 3.
Phil Berquist: Yeah it does.
Mitch Robbins: No it doesn’t.
Phil Berquist: It does.
Mitch Robbins: No, if you’re watching what you’re recording, then it has to be on 3.
Phil Berquist: What… the TV or… or the machine?
Mitch Robbins: The TV.
Phil Berquist: You’re saying I can record something I’m not even watching?
Mitch Robbins: Yes, that’s the point. You don’t even need a TV to record.
Phil Berquist: How would I see it?
Mitch Robbins: Well to see it you need a TV.
Ed Furillo: Shut up! Just shut up! He doesn’t get it! He’ll never get it! It’s been 4 hours! The cows can tape something by now! Forget about it please!
Phil Berquist: How do you do the clock?
Ed Furillo: You’re dead. You are dead.

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