Happy Thanksgiving!
First off, let me tell you that I am feeling better today. I am at the hump of the sickness, meaning I’m less clogged, and instead of a sore throat, it feels coated. So I anticipate that tomorrow I’ll be coughing. In any case, I certainly feel well enough to enjoy turkey today. I will try to take it easy though, but good luck if we decide to play a game. Apparently I can be a little competitive and get excited when playing games.
Our turkey meal is set for 2:30pm, which I like. I feel like it won’t disrupt Elijah’s routine. He’s been such a good boy this week, well he’s a good boy a lot of the time. It will be nice to have this long weekend together to spend as a family.
The Christmas cards are mostly addressed (we’re sending out close to 70 this year), all I’m waiting on is the picture we took on the weekend. Since I had grand ideas of being early this year, and that fell through, I’ve going to give you all, my loyal readers, a look at our annual Christmas letter. The photo we took you’ll have to wait for. I also had hoped to get Honey cat to join us in the picture, but if you’ve met her, you know her. There is no way she would have sat still for that.
We’re going to go for a family walk once Elijah gets up from his morning nap. So I’ll close now with a picture of my turkey and a quote from Scrooged.
Earl Cross: All day long I listen to people give me excuses why they can’t work. My legs hurt. My back aches. I’m only four.