We kept busy this weekend, doing chores, getting our house in order. Saturday we hit the ol’ stompin’ grounds, Cherry Creek. Took in some shopping, then did our grocery shopping. Geoff came home and did manly chores, and I tried to amuse a baby teething. Sunday we did church, and bought the Halloween candy at Walmart. Hopefully enough to appease 100 kids. Then we cleaned the house and finally unpack the boxes in the loft. All that is left to get the house organized is a filing cabinet. We have 5 years worth of receipts in office boxes, and a ton of papers we don’t need but wouldn’t dream of throwing out without shredding first.
Tomorrow we head to Bonfils to donate blood. We’ve been waiting until we got settled from the move, and we know there are people out there in need. Well, they don’t need me, but Geoff’s blood is very coveted. Tomorrow we’re also getting the sprinklers winterized.
Those are the big plans for this week. I know we lead an exciting life. I invited my cousin Kelly (and her fella) to come here for Thanksgiving. I really hope they will consider it. Haven’t seen Kelly since she came out to CA. And her fella is Canadian too, so I foresee a game of Trival Pursuit Canadian Edition! Kelly won last time, so I’m sure she’ll be game. 🙂
I’ve been yakking on the phone a lot this last week with my friends. Usually I prefer email or IM to a phone call, but it’s been fun. The conversations can move faster, and I feel like I get more out of it. It also helps to have stuff to talk about.
I’m not even going to comment of the Oilers getting spanked by the stupid Avs. It’s just too painful. 🙁
I’m closing with one of my all time favorite quotes, courtesy of The Usual Suspects.
Cop: I can put you in Queens on the night of the hijacking.
Hockney: Really? I live in Queens, did you put that together yourself, Einstein?