First off…
Happy (belated) 9th Anniversary to Cate & Kaisara! We’re honored to have you guys as friends and Elijah’s Godparents. We can hardly wait 56 days to see you.
Elijah and I went to Curious George today. He lasted 30 minutes before he was done sitting. So we spent the rest of the time walking the hallways of the theatre. Ran into Myrna and family. It must have been a popular choice for activities today. We’ll have to rent the movie, as I found it entertaining and funny. And George was very much like Elijah, right down to the emptying of toilet paper rolls. 🙂
It’s so stinkin’ hot here! We’re in upper 90s all week and all next week. Gotta find some money to get to a pool!
I read online that Keith got booted from Canadian Idol. That’s a huge mistake, he’s super talented! I found a video of one of his performances on YouTube. Sure wish Easily Amused was coming through Colorado sometime soon. A few months ago their van got robbed in PA, and they lost everything. So it’ll probably be a while before they do a big tour again.
I’ve been watching Last Comic Standing again. They have a few good comics, particularly Josh Blue (go Denver!) and Chris Porter. Was content enough with the eliminations thus far, except for Kristin, who just couldn’t put together a strong enough act (but she’s good), and Gabriel, who blew it by breaking the rules. He was my favorite (after Josh), I love to watch his special on Comedy Central whenever it airs.
So now you’re caught up (if you are still reading). I’ll close with a quote from Curious George (before we had to leave). I laughed at loud at this, I thought it was funny.
Cab Driver: Where you headed, Yellow?
Ted: Bloomsberry Museum, and I’ll give you an extra ten if you don’t call me “yellow”, Okay?
Cab Driver: Sure thing, Sunshine.