If You Can’t Stand The Heat…

On Top Chef it was said, if you can cook eggs, you can cook. I guess I’m no cook, since a few days ago, a recipe called for me to hard boil an egg, and I had no idea how to do that. Geoff was nice enough to remind me when he got home the answers to most kitchen questions can be found in the Joy Of Cooking. We don’t use it much for recipes, mostly for knowledge about stuff. I had totally forgotten I had that to turn to. It’s always fun to cook at altitude. (Lisa, I forgot to mention it, but he loved it. So I’ll probably use that recipe again. Thank you Rachael Ray)

This week’s Studio 60 was so good, and it made me disappointed to think after next week it may never see light again. It’s an awesome show! I was dying with the way they ended the episode, but I loved the Sports Night reference.

Had another couple good days with Elijah. I’ll have to look back on my blog and remember this once that shoe falls.

The wedding is in two weeks! I can hardly wait to see our friends, and see my family. I’ve been thinking if it turns out well, we may do this meet-up-and-rent-a-house-thing again. If the drive works out, we may take a drive down to New Mexico sometime.

I’ll close with a quote from Toy Story 2, it’s Elijah’s favorite movie. He likes Zurg.

Buzz Lightyear: Don’t worry, Woody. In just a few hours you’ll be sitting around a campfire with Andy making delicious hot Schmoes.
Woody: They’re called “S’mores”, Buzz.
Buzz Lightyear: Yes, yes. Of course.

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