Good Times

Lisa left this morning.

I miss her. I hate that she lives so far away. I’ve known her longer than anyone, and we had so much fun hanging out. It wasn’t a long enough visit. Elijah loved Auntie Lisa. We need to work on Chad so we can get the whole family here.

Today Geoff went back to work, so it’s just me and the boys. We went to Target after the airport, and I got my first taste of being out with a toddler and a baby. It wasn’t too bad, so it’s given me hope that I can actually go out alone with two kids.

So we’re all doing alright. I feel like I’m getting enough sleep, and Geoff is a huge help. All I have going on this week is Elijah’s birthday tomorrow and taking the kids to the pediatrician on Thursday. The weather is supposed to be great this week, so we’ll likely get out for some walks. It is almost like the worst of our winter is over. I probably just jinxed us by saying that.

I’m going to close with a quote from Quiz Show.

Mark Van Doren: Sixty-four thousand dollars for a question, I hope they are asking you the meaning of life.

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