He Lives In You

Last night, Geoff and I saw The Lion King for the second time. We saw it 5 years ago in Toronto with the Armstrongs/Wakelams. So it was different to see it just the two of us, and on our own dime. We bought the tickets back in May, but when I heard it was playing last year, I marked my calendar for us to see it. It was equally enjoyable this time around, and I still got chills and teary eyed watching the opening number. You can’t get over the amazing costumes. It made us long for the day when we can bring Elijah to see a show, as the audience was 50% kids. There was a young boy behind us who must have been 3 or 4, and he did great.

Things are pretty much back to normal here. We got hit with snow on Friday night, which mostly melted by Saturday afternoon. Tomorrow morning, I get to go to my favorite place in the whole wide world… the DMV. Yay! It had better be uneventful.

Not much else to say, so I’ll close with a quote from The Lion King (both movie & musical).

Timon: Hey, what’s going on here? Who’s the monkey?
Nala: Simba’s gone back to challenge Scar.
Timon: Who?
Nala: Scar.
Pumbaa: Who’s got a scar?
Nala: No no no. It’s his uncle.
Timon: The monkey’s his uncle?

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