Feeling Good

Since I got a comment from Geoff about not posting a “real” post, I thought I’d try to come up with some stuff.

Things are good. I’m healthy, my weight is at a good level, I’m feeling good about life. Yeah, I had a bad day last week, but when I put my “problems” in perspective to those around me with bigger problems, it makes me feel blessed. Elijah is good, he’s a sweet little boy. Some moments he’s a handful, but overall he’s a good kid. Geoff is good, he’s busy, but he finds time to do little things for me to give me attention. I can’t complain much. I’ve got visitors coming in 2 weeks, and 2 different visitors in April. I have a vacation in June, and hopefully a trip to AB this summer to see my new nephew and my “niece” Stephanie. Life is great.

I’ve been watching a lot of tv, and I’d like to get my nose back into some books. Our trip to Nederland this weekend is off, no frozen dead guy this year, we’ll have to aim for next year. I’d still very much like to get out of town for the day, but I’ll have to check with Geoff and his running schedule. Maybe we could go to Boulder Falls, or Estes Park. It’s so spring-like here, we’ve got spring fever. I want to get out and see Colorado!

With the last of my iTunes money from Kelly, I bought Youth (Collective Soul) which was released a few years ago. It’s a fantastic album. The last album of theirs I bought was Discipline Breakdown, and I LOVED that album. Youth is very good, a few stand out tracks for me are Better Now (quickly becoming my new theme song), How Do You Love, There’s A Way, Home, and Feels Like (It Feels Alright).

Yes I watched the Oscars, and overall I was entertained. I thought Jon Stewart was pretty funny, and hands down Reese Witherspoon was the best dressed. I don’t know why Jessica Alba was getting all the attention. I don’t think she’s all that pretty, I don’t think she’s all that talented, and why was she there anyways? Obviously she has a good publicity agent. Geoff and I always fill out ballots for who we think will win, and Geoff won 13 to my 11 this year. Last year we tied. I didn’t count on Memoirs Of A Geisha winning so many technical awards.

It was a little like Joaquin Phoenix week for me last week, I watched Walk The Line, The Village, and Signs. Could’ve rounded it off with Gladiator if I had more time. 🙂

I’ll close with a quote from Signs.

Merrill: Morgan, this crop stuff is just about a bunch of nerds who never had a girlfriend their whole lives. They’re like thirty now. They make up secret codes and analyze Greek mythology and make secret societies where other guys who never had girlfriends can join in. They do stupid crap like this to feel special. It’s a scam. Nerds were doin’ it twenty five years ago and new nerds are doing it again.

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