Christmas Q & A

I know y’all are going to copy this from me, so please credit me for starting it. 🙂

* When is the best time to open presents? Always open one on Christmas Eve, then the rest go early Christmas morning.
* Have you been naughty or nice this year? Mostly nice.
* Real tree or imitation tree? This year both.
* Favorite Christmas cartoon character? Hermey.
* Did you ever write Santa a letter? For sure!
* Buy any Christmas presents online? Naturally.
* Save the ribbon and paper or rip right through it? Rip rip rip.
* Sharing Christmas with family this year? Just immediate family.
* Ever ride in a one horse open sleigh? No 🙁
* Ever roast a chestnut on an open fire? No
* Favorite Christmas pie? Not a fan of pie.
* Favorite Christmas movie? Come on, A Christmas Story! (but for a non-traditional movie, I have to say The Ref)
* Favorite Christmas song? O Holy Night, Angels We Have Heard On High.
* People on your Christmas list; more or less than ten? I’d say it’s 10 exactly.
* Will you have a white Christmas this year? Most likely.
* Do you believe in Santa Claus? Santa’s got the spirit of Christmas, so I’ll say yes.
* Who would you like to kiss under the mistletoe? My hubby, and Elijah. 🙂
* Who gives the best gifts? Geoff
* Do you send Christmas cards? Yes, a ton of them!
* What color best represents Christmas? White
* Do you own any Christmas music? You bet.
* How many Christmas parties will you attend this year? Maybe 1
* Does the postal worker get a gift this year? Maybe, he’s pretty friendly to me. I used to share cookies with my UPS guy.
* Giving a present to a pet? Of course.
* Your shopping: All done, half-way done, just started, not yet started? Half-way.

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