Cool Down

Finally, we’re seeing some cooler weather come our way. I miss walking to Cherry Creek, and welcome the opportunity to do so.

We went to Peet’s yesterday (mmm caramel freddo!), picked up Miss Congeniality 2 from the library, then headed into the mall. Eddie Bauer Home is closing, so everything is on sale. Man that was painful, to have no money and see such fantastic deals. I’m certain we’ll find great stuff for our new place when the time comes. The plan so far is aiming to move before the end of the year. Our friends here have offered to help, which would be nice. We haven’t had friends to help move since we moved into our first apartment in Edmonton. All other moves were thousands of miles away, where we knew no one. This will also be the first time we’ll be able to have a housewarming party.

For dinner last night I made chicken in a tarragon cream sauce, on a bed of rice. Not exactly like Rachael’s recipe (fussy eater and all), but damn it was tasty. It’s not a recipe I feel confident making without my sous-chef, the oil was all splattery.

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulous was cute. Did I like it as much as the first? Probably not, but it was entertaining. And I’ll close now with a quote from it.

Gracie Hart: Wake up and smell the iced vente decaf caramel macchiato!

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