I think I may have broken my pinkie toe. Same one Geoff broke a few years ago. It really hurts, it looks a little off, and there is noticeable bruising. So I guess I’ll call the doctor tomorrow morning, and go from there. I’ll tell you this, I won’t go through what Geoff did. They gave him like 6 needles all around the toe to numb it, then snapped it in place and taped it to the toe next to it. Geoff said the needles hurt more than them snapping back in place. It was horrible to watch. I guess i’ll have to update my 100 things list if it is indeed broken (#66- I have never broken a bone).
Just been a pretty laid back weekend. Geoff had to go into work on Saturday, so I didn’t make it to Jayla’s. I did get to Hallmark to buy the next ornament in the Dr. Suess series (it’s the only series we currently collect). I will likely get back before Christmas to get some more ornaments. Since Geoff didn’t work today, we played hooky from church and went to Peet’s. It was his first day off since July 3. He’s planning on taking next weekend off too, but I won’t hold my breath. There is a lot going on at work for him, so I understand.
We’re having ribs for dinner tonight. I may end up watching VH1’s reality tv, which is addictive. I like Hogan Knows Best, it’s funny. Plus, once a Hulkamaniac, always a Hulkamaniac.
Time to go. I’ll close with a quote from Return To Me.
Megan Dayton: You’re going to get a heart, I know. And you’ll be able to do all the things you never could before. That’s what you’ve gotta concentrate on. Think of riding a bike, and going to Italy… and dating really handsome men. That, I know, has to happen for one of us.
Grace Briggs: I’m getting a new heart, not a new ass.