Man on man, I loved it! Once it ended, Geoff & I both thought “when does it come out on DVD?” 🙂
It was wonderful. My legs hurt by the end, but it was such a payoff. Worth the wait. Thank you Peter Jackson! We went to see it in the afternoon, and every seat was taken. My favorite characters have always been Samwise & Meriadoc (hence the picture of Merry). Sean Astin was wonderful, as was the whole cast, so i’m a little bitter that the cast was ignored by the Golden Globes. Figures, but at least Peter Jackson got a nom. I hope the Oscar folks will be kinder.
I brought some kleenex in case I had to cry, but I just kind of swallowed it. It was pretty true to the book, and Geoff thought it was the most true to the books out of all three movies. If you haven’t read the books, I will write some stuff in inviso-text so as not to spoil it for you. I wanted to cry when Pippen & Merry were separated, but that part broke my heart reading the book. Also, at the end when all the Ring-bearers prepared to leave on the ship.
I encourage you to see the movie. I don’t know now what we’ll do without another movie. 🙁 But we’ll have it on DVD next year. I wanted to end with a great quote from Gimli, “Certain death, little chance of survival….when do we go?”