Intolerable Cruelty

No, I’m not talking about having to spend time with Kerry-loving librocrits, but the movie. 🙂

We rented Intolerable Cruelty, and we were not disappointed. It was a little different than what I expected from the Coen Brothers, but it was good. I find Catherine Zeta-Jones’ choice of movie roles interesting. I kinda think in real life she’s a combination of Charlie Nicholson and Gwen Harrison. I could be wrong. She may a very nice person, but in Hollywood, how can you tell?

Dylan is going to start Kindergarten this fall. He’ll be going to the school Colin & I went to, Julia Kiniski. How weird is that? I loved that school, I had a great teacher, Mr. Teitzen. I hope Dylan likes it there. 3 of my cousins also went there, so they are familiar with the Torrance name.

I checked at work about the Paleontology classes running this summer, and they don’t start until August. Which is great, as I’ve got travel plans. But hopefully I’ll earn some money to pay for a class. I also hope to earn some money for a visit to Edmonton. We’ll have to see what the summer holds. Geoff and I still think going to Edmonton in March for the Brier would be awesome. It’ll depend on how anxious I get.

It’s a gorgeous sunny day here, with rain in the forecast for later this week. I have to got to the post office & library, so I may take an extended walk. I hope to walk to Peet’s tomorrow and have some tea and read.

It’s so nice to have Geoff home. We had a very relaxing weekend together. I’ll close with a quote from Intolerable Cruelty. (I found this very funny in the outtakes.)

Miles Massey: What are they, ladles?

Wrigley: Berry spoons.

Miles Massey: Spoons?

Wrigley: Berry spoons. Everybody has spoons.

Miles Massey: And nobody *needs* berry spoons.

Wrigley: Everybody eats berries.

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