The Real World

So I see I have not blogged since October. What I have been doing in that time is living in the real world.

I signed Elijah up to participate in Destination Imagination, a creative problem-solving competition. He has to work together with his team to create a short play about toys. At his level, it is classified as non-competitive. I got roped into being the team leader, which has brought me some stress. I just don’t want to ruin the experience for any of the kids on the team.

I’ve been trying to volunteer in Elijah’s class on Mondays, which has been fun. I may also try to get back into Miles’ class to help out.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving with Geoff’s parents, and as we get closer to Christmas, I’m trying to get all the shopping done. That doesn’t leave much exciting stuff to write about.

I did get to enjoy a girly night out with the Mile High Mamas at Sephora. There is something energizing about being with those women. I’m also trying to plan/organize our Christmas Open House, as well as a letterboxing event.

So that’s where I’ve been. I’ll try to get back to more regular blogging soon.

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