Mild Disappointments

1. My dr appt did not end in resolving my issue, rather it has spurned on two more appts. I’m not concerned, it will get fixed soon enough I’m sure. It’s just the inconvenience of more appts.

2. Denver Botanical Gardens at Chatfield. I thought it looked promising when we drove up, but it paled to the Gardens in downtown. It was like going to visit an open field, there were virtually no flowers, just a lot of buildings you couldn’t enter (used for events). And the mosquitos were awful! Thank God it was free, because I doubt I’d go again. (The few pictures I took are on Shutterfly, under 2008 Out & About)

3. No Country For Old Men. While I thought it was filmed very well, the lack of character growth, and no resolution at the end, left me puzzled as to why the actors garnered Oscar nominations. Not to say Javier Bardem isn’t a good actor, but to play a psychopath for 2 hours, and not see the character grow or change, didn’t seem all that challenging to me. What do I know?

That’s about sums up my Thurs, Fri & Sat. We’re finally going to drop out of the 90 degree weather tomorrow. Oh how I wish it would rain, our lawn looks so sad. This week, I have another dr appt, and hopefully we’ll be going out to Lakewood to see Chad & Khara. Throw in there some playdates, some trips to the gym, and hopefully reading some books. That’s my week. What’s yours look like?

I’ll close with a quote from Two Weeks Notice.

Lucy Kelson: What did I tell you that defines an emergency?
George Wade: A large meteoroid, severe blood loss and uh… what was the other thing?
Lucy Kelson: Death! And you’re not dead!

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