Colin got a job! He got connected with Chad on the weekend, gave his resume to him, Chad took it to work, Colin got called for an interview, Colin starts work today! This has been a total answer to prayer. I pray now that he loves it.
Tennille called me on Wednesday night, and we talked for an hour and a half. It was a good talk, and we each recommended some books to read. Oddly enough she was in Edmonton a few weeks ago, but she’s gone back to Red Deer, so I won’t see her. I may have to stop by Too Corny to say hi to Danny. Amidst all the other running around I have to do.
I was going to have lunch today with Shannon, but it’s been cancelled due to inclement weather. We were going to go to Wendys, which I love. I mean the food is yummy, and they have a dollar menu. Wendys will always be special to me, because when I used to take dance, every Wednesday after practice my dad would take Colin and I out to eat there. The one on Argyle. My dad used to always get the chili. Geoff says he doesn’t trust square patties, so he always gets a chicken sandwich.
Tonight is the season finale of Monk. Mr. Monk Goes To Jail. I’m sure it will get picked up for a third season, but nothing has been announced yet. I’m going to lend my Monk tapes to Dawn, hopefully she’ll like it.
Now, two quotes from The Three Musketeers. A charming little movie, that is hard to find on DVD.
Porthos: He thinks he can challenge the mighty Porthos with a sword…
D’Artagnan: The mighty who?
Porthos: Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of me.
D’Artagnan: The world’s biggest windbag?
Porthos: Little pimple… meet me behind the Luxembourg at 1:00, and bring a long wooden box.
D’Artagnan: Bring your own…
Porthos: [laughs]
Bad Guy: It’s Porthos the Pirate! AAAAH!
[The bad guys jump overboard]
D’Artagnan: Pirate?
Porthos: I told you I was famous.